Chin Surgery

Conveniently located to serve The Woodlands, Houston, and Shenandoah

Chin surgery, also known as mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure to reshape the chin either by enhancement with an implant or reduction surgery on the bone. Many times a plastic surgeon may recommend chin surgery to a patient having nose surgery in order to achieve facial proportion, as the size of the chin may magnify or minimize the perceived size of the nose. Chin surgery helps provide a harmonious balance to your facial features so that you feel better about the way you look.

Is Chin Surgery Right for Me?

Healthy individuals with realistic expectations are the best candidates for chin surgery. Non-smokers with no healing-related conditions are ideal candidates for this procedure.

Your Chin Surgery Consultation

During your chin surgery consultation, we will listen to your realistic goals for mentoplasty. Your medical history will be evaluated, and your chin will be examined in detail. You must disclose any previous chin surgeries.

We will show you different aesthetic options so we can get a more accurate picture of your preference for your chin’s appearance. We will create an ideal treatment plan based on your chin and the results you want to achieve.

The Chin Surgery Procedure

Mentoplasty takes around an hour. It starts with the administration of anesthesia to the patient. Making an incision will follow once the anesthesia has done its job. All the necessary modifications, such as changing the size or shape of the chin, will be made before finally closing the incision with sutures.

What Is Recovery Like?

After the surgery, the chin will be protected using elastic bandages, gauze dressings, or a compression garment. The patient may notice temporary swelling in the chin area. They may have to follow a liquid diet during the first week or so of the recovery period to avoid putting any strain on the chin.

Chin Surgery Cost

The cost of chin surgery will vary based on the details of the treatment plan. The techniques performed will impact the overall price of the chin surgery, as will anesthesia costs and other factors.

Contact Us to Learn More

For more information on plastic surgery and the procedures Dr. Lahiri offers, please schedule a consultation and visit our practice.